Posting of Workers

Posting of Workers

Posting of Road Transport WorkersLegislative FrameworkConditions for Being Subject to the Posting Provisions and Types of PostingObligations of Employers Posting Staff to GreeceWorking Conditions of Posted Workers and their RemunerationLegal Protection of Posted WorkersSanctionsInternal Market Information System (IMI)Posting of an Employee Abroad

Legal Protection of Posted Workers


The employer ensures the employee’s rights arising from the employment contract between him and the posted employee. The locally competent authorities of the Labor Inspectorate examine every complaint and request submitted by the posted workers regarding the observance of the provisions of the P.D., both during the posting and after its termination and take the current legislation measures.

When, after a comprehensive assessment by the Greek competent authorities, it is proven that an enterprise is abusively or fraudulently cultivating the impression that the employee’s situation falls within the scope of this decree, the employee must benefit from the applicable law and practice.

The supervision and control of the implementation of the relevant provisions are entrusted to the competent Services of the Labor Inspection and are carried out, when deemed necessary, in cooperation with:

a) the Economic Police and Cybercrime Prosecution Directorate,

b) the General Directorate of Economic Crime Squad (SDOE),

c) Regional Social Insurance Inspection Centers (PEKA), or National Social Security Insitution’s (EFKA) audit bodies.

Exercise of rights at the Labor Inspectorate

Employees have the possibility to directly file a complaint against their employer with the Labor Inspectorate see here: or submit an application for a Labor Dispute see here: .

The Labor Inspectorate operates the complaint hotline 1555, which offers direct service 24 hours a day for any labor and insurance issue.

The supervision and inspection of the implementation of the relevant provisions, as well as the examination of facts when carrying out inspections on the territory of Greece, as the host Member State, is carried out, when deemed necessary, both ex officio and at the request of a competent authority of the Member State of origin and in collaboration with it (via IMI).

The relevant trade unions, in accordance with the written provisions, and other legal entities that justify a relevant legal interest, may initiate on behalf of or in support of posted workers or their employers and with their consent, any administrative or judicial procedure for the implementation of the provisions of the presidential decrees. Any unfavorable treatment of the posted worker by the employer due to the exercise of the above rights by the employee is prohibited.

Irrespective of the law governing the employment relationship, any person who considers that he has been harmed by the non-compliance with the relevant provisions, even if the employment relationship has been dissolved or terminated, has the right to judicial protection, as well as the right to appeal before the competent administrative authorities (without prejudice to the applicable statutes of limitations and appeal deadlines).

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