2023-2024: European Union Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC) on Accidents at Work – Improving the prevention of accidents at work

The 2023-2024 SLIC campaign “Improving the prevention of accidents at work” aims to strengthen the culture of accident prevention, both in organisations and among individual workers, in line with a “Vision Zero” approach to work-related deaths in the European Union.

The Occupational Health Inspection of the Hellenic Labour Inspectorate takes part in this campaign, and will conduct on-site inspections in selected sectors of economic activity from March till June 2024.

Aims of the campaign

The campaign aims at:

  1. Increasing awareness of the risks related to work-related accidents in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in specific sectors of activity;
  2. Providing guidance to the enterprises for adopting accident/incident investigation procedures, and for identifying and addressing the causes of these accidents, in order to prevent their reoccurrence;
  3. Strengthening enforcement of existing rules and guidelines on occupational health and safety.

Sectors in the campaign

The campaign will be conducted in the following three sectors:

  • Agriculture and forestry (NACE code: Section A 01 and 02)
  • Construction (NACE code: Section F 41, 42 and 43)
  • Other passenger land transport and freight transport by road and removal services (NACE code: Section Η3 and 49.4)
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